Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My daughther's Sweet Sixteen Cake

This month was so busy, but I still found the time to make my daughter's sixteen B-Day cake. Of course I had plan this a month ahead of time and every week did some preparation for the cake. When the day finally came to assemble the cake, I had so much fun putting it together!
Of course the guests came shortly afterwards and, well within a few hours the cake was disassembled and destroyed by me, everyone loves to eat it too.
Fortunately, I had time to take a few pictures.

The cake was a yellow cake with strawberries and cream filling, the icing was vanilla buttercream, garnished with handmade chocolate roses, fresh strawberries, chocolate shavings and handmade chocolate strawberry ganache truffles.

What will I make next? cakes are fun... another cake.


Hilda said...

Now see, this is what I'm talkin' about. I'm hoping to do the pastry sequence at Cordon Bleu one of these days and learn how to make cakes that look like this.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Leave it to a pastry chef to make a pretty version of the DB challenge... =)

Dolores said...

Wow... will you adopt me? :)

I'm approaching a milestone birthday of my own (a couple of decades removed from your daughter's). A cake this gorgeous might soothe some of the shock...